
キャデラックが新型EV「オプティック」を発表! クラス最高の室内空間を誇るエントリーモデル

A front 3/4 view of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange.
A front 3/4 view of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange.
A rear 3/4 view of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange.
A rear 3/4 view of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange.
Front 3/4 view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Argent Silver Metallic.
Front 3/4 view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Argent Silver Metallic.
Rear 3/4 view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Argent Silver Metallic.
Rear 3/4 view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Argent Silver Metallic.
Head-on view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange, featuring Cadillac vertical lighting signature, sleek LED headlamps and the black crystal shield grille design.
Head-on view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange, featuring Cadillac vertical lighting signature, sleek LED headlamps and the black crystal shield grille design.
Side profile view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange.
Side profile view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange.
Rear side view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Argent Silver Metallic with 21-inch alloy wheels.
Rear side view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Argent Silver Metallic with 21-inch alloy wheels.
Close-up of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ rear-quarter panel window design with precision pattern.
Close-up of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ rear-quarter panel window design with precision pattern.
View of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ interior showing the second-row seating with segment-best spaciousness and fixed glass roof.
View of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ interior showing the second-row seating with segment-best spaciousness and fixed glass roof.
View of driver’s seat in 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ with Sky Cool Gray interior.
View of driver’s seat in 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ with Sky Cool Gray interior.
View of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ rear cargo area with the rear hatch opened, showing its segment-best cargo capacity.
View of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ rear cargo area with the rear hatch opened, showing its segment-best cargo capacity.
View of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ interior in Autumn Canyon, featuring the 33-inch-diagonal interface and display with 9K resolution.
View of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ interior in Autumn Canyon, featuring the 33-inch-diagonal interface and display with 9K resolution.
View of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ steering wheel with standard Super Cruise and steering wheel light bar activated.
View of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ steering wheel with standard Super Cruise and steering wheel light bar activated.
Close-up of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ’s 33-inch-diagonal interface and display with 9K resolution.
Close-up of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ’s 33-inch-diagonal interface and display with 9K resolution.
A front 3/4 view of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange.
A rear 3/4 view of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange.
Front 3/4 view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Argent Silver Metallic.
Rear 3/4 view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Argent Silver Metallic.
Head-on view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange, featuring Cadillac vertical lighting signature, sleek LED headlamps and the black crystal shield grille design.
Side profile view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Monarch Orange.
Rear side view of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ in Argent Silver Metallic with 21-inch alloy wheels.
Close-up of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ rear-quarter panel window design with precision pattern.
View of 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ interior showing the second-row seating with segment-best spaciousness and fixed glass roof.
View of driver’s seat in 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ with Sky Cool Gray interior.
View of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ rear cargo area with the rear hatch opened, showing its segment-best cargo capacity.
View of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ interior in Autumn Canyon, featuring the 33-inch-diagonal interface and display with 9K resolution.
View of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ steering wheel with standard Super Cruise and steering wheel light bar activated.
Close-up of the 2025 Cadillac OPTIQ’s 33-inch-diagonal interface and display with 9K resolution.


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ボルボEX30で11時間超えの1000km走行チャレンジ! 課題は90kWまでしか受け入れない充電性能
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とにかくこの形に惚れたんです! 日本中から約140台もの日産アリアが集結した「日産アリア全国オーナーズミーティング2024」に潜入した
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